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Relational Spirituality

Dynamic love
Living the fully integrated life
in rhythm and harmony
"Loving God, and ones neighbour as oneself"
"Greetings everyone...   
Geoff here at the Centre for Relational Spirituality"
The Rev. Dr. Geoffrey W  Cheong

Something to Ponder

Varieties of Contemplation and Meditation

I was a relatively atypical teenager who was fascinated by the journey into the way of meditation. I would arise early in the morning and...

The Re-awakening of Meditation

First thing on most mornings I used to take an extended walk on my trip to the church of which I was the priest for a time of meditation....

The Three Missing Pieces

I have just finished reading a book on the new explosion of artificial intelligence. It is called The Coming Wave and is sub-titled AI,...


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Relational Spirituality
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